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Research Report: Cultural Heritage Between Sectors

EU_CUL partners are presenting the research report "Cultural Heritage Between Sectors. Mapping the Cooperation of Universities and Social Partners". The report is mapping the actual cooperation and links between universities and social actors, and in particular with cultural institutions involved in the promotion and protection of Cultural Heritage. The booklet can be seen here

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01 March, 2022

Course Syllabus: Collaborative Heritage Learning

EU_CUL partners are presenting the 4th output of the project, a course syllabus entitled “Collaborative Heritage Learning”. The course is addressed to educators and heritage practitioners willing to engage in heritage learning to support local communities. The syllabus can be found here

02 February, 2022

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A new publication from Leiden University partners

The Dutch partners of EU_CUL, Monique van den Dries, Miyuki Kerkhof, and Sunniva Homme, have recently published the article Heritage and Diversity: Values in European Heritage Management Reflected in Award-Winning Best Practices”.

By analysing award winning heritage practices —some of which were presented in the EU_CUL project— the article critically discusses the concept of “best practices” and identifies patterns, trends and potential biases.

The article is published in the peer-reviewed, open access journal Sustainability and it is available here

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16 January, 2022

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Seminar "Heritage for Communities"

The University of Lower Silesia cordially invites to the meeting within the project Exploring European Cultural Heritage for fostering academic teaching and social responsibility in Higher Education. 

There will be a workshop titled "Together for Heritage" during the meeting. Recommendations for social partners and universities. 


The event's special guest will be Mr. Tomasz JanoÅ›, the Director of Wroclaw Academic Centre. The meeting will be held in Polish. 

10 December, 2021

09 November, 2021

Leiden University - Multiplier Event

The Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University is organising a multiplier event with academics and heritage practitioners on how to harness cultural heritage to include an underserved group: people with dementia. The workshop will be held on 25 November 2021 in Leiden. Information in Dutch is available here.

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Open University of Cyprus - Hybrid Multiplier Event

The Open University of Cyprus is organising a multiplier event with the participation of academics, researchers, adult learners, and practitioners. The aim of the event is to present the ways in which higher education institutions are supporting the promotion of Cultural Heritage in the wider context of Lifelong Learning. The event will be held on the 5th of October, 2021 in Nicosia and it will be open for the public.

Also, it will be broadcasted live from OUC Youtube Chanel here

You can download the full programme here

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30 September, 2021

27 July, 2021

Booklet of recommendations for Social Partners

The EU_CUL consortium has published a booklet of recommendations addressing social partners. Among others, the recommendations are aiming at encouraging cooperation between communities and universities based on cultural heritage assets and sharing know-how in heritage management. The

booklet was prepared by an interdisciplinary team of researchers working together in the EU_CUL project, under the guidance of the Spanish team and Dr. Clotilde Lechuga Jiménez, with the support of Dr. Ewa Kurantowicz and the Polish team. You can download the booklet here

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27 June, 2021

EU_CUL Final Conference - Call for papers


The final conference of EU_CUL project will be held in Wroclaw (PL) from August 31 to September 02, 2021. The conference will be the meeting place for practitioners and researchers, representatives of universities and local communities, and – in particular – local governments that manage cultural heritage. The conference will aim at the dissemination of all intellectual outputs and its priority will be to share knowledge and experience.
You can see the call for papers and more details here

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01 June, 2021

EU_CUL catalogue of Inspirational Practices


EU_CUL partners are proud to present the final catalogue showcasing 15 inspirational examples in heritage management, collected from the five partners’ home countries. The catalogue entitled “Inspirational Practices in Cultural Heritage Management – Fostering Social Responsibility” is the final product of EU_CUL project’s second output. It was prepared under the guidance of Monique H. van den Dries and Miyuki J.H. Kerkhof of Leiden University, that led the work for the second output. The catalogue can be seen here. 

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20 June, 2021

Open Lecture by Leiden University 

The online Open Lecture organized by Leiden University as a multiplier event will be given in the context of the annual conference of ICAHM (ICOMOS International Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management). It will consist of 3 presentations and discussion. Attendance is free (for the entire conference), registration is needed to enter the online platform (deadline 20 June). The conference is in English.
To join the lectures, please visit



24 May, 2021

University of Lower Silesia - Online Seminar


The University of Lower Silesia invites you to participate in the seminar Humanistic debates - theses, leads, interpretations (Academia privata), MA Agata Gwizd-Leszczyńska "In architecture, there is no end; there is only constant change." Architecture as a pharmacon of space. The seminar is implemented as an online open lecture within the research project EU_CUL. The lecture will be held on the 15th of June, 2021, 12.00-1.30 p.m. (on Microsoft Teams platform).

For more details click here. 

01 June, 2021

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24 May, 2021

ICAHM meeting-Leiden University participation 


The ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management (ICAHM) will be organizing the 2021 ICAHM Annual Meeting online, between 21-24 June 2021. The Dutch partner of EU_CUL will contribute a presentation on June 23, in the session with the theme: Including societal value in archaeological heritage management. They will talk about the activities of EU_CUL and present some Dutch examples from the catalogue on inspirational practices. For more details click here

To register please click here:         


24 May, 2021

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 University of Malaga – Open Lecture 


The Open Lecture organized by the University of Malaga  entitled "Heritage/patrimony education in relation to Agenda 2030" will be delivered by Dr. Olaia Fontal Merillas professor and Director  of Spanish Cultural Heritage Observatory (  within the framework of EU_CUL multiplier events, on the 27th of May at 10:00.  For access click here.


24 May, 2021

12 May, 2021


Open University of Cyprus – Online talk in the context of the EU-funded research project EU_CUL


The Master’s Program “Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning” of the Open University of Cyprus is organizing the online talk entitled “Adult Learning in Greek Museums: from the present to the future”. The talk will be given in English, on May 18th 2021, 18:30 EEST, and will be broadcasted live through the OUC E-Learning Platform. For more details click here.

Dutch Annual Archaeological Congress


EU_CUL member Miyuki Kerkhof participated in the “Enabling Archaeology” session, during the Dutch annual archaeological congress “De Reuvensdagen”. For more details click here.


19 November, 2020

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Studium Generale on the future of Archaeology


EU_CUL member Miyuki Kerkhof contributed to the Studium Generale on the future of Archaeology post Covid-19. For more details click here. 

18 June, 2020

Arte & Género at the Academia de España


EU_CUL member Dr Clotilde Lechuga participated in the conference "Arte y Genero" (Academia de Espana, Rome) where she approached EU_CUL project from a gender perspective. For more details click here.


08 March, 2019

Upcoming EU_CUL training in Wroclaw


The next EU_CUL training meeting was supposed to be held in Wroclaw, Poland from 18 to 20 March, 2020, but unfortunately it had to be canceled due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. 

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17 February, 2020

EU_CUL meeting covered by the UMA


The UMA extensively covered the meeting of EU_CUL that was held in Malaga.

Check the article here (in Spanish).

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15 January, 2020

EU_CUL in the local newspaper


An article presenting EU_CUL and its aim was featured in Leiden’s local newspaper. Our partners from Leiden University, Monique van den Dries and  Miyuki Kerkhof, made an excellent presentation of the project. Check the article here (in Dutch).

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26 April, 2019

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