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Clotilde Lechuga Jiménez

Clotilde is Assistant Professor at Department of Didactics of Mathematics, Didactics of Social Sciences and Experimental Science, Faculty of Education Sciences, at the University of Malaga (Spain). Her research focuses on Social Science Education as Cultural Heritage, Gender studies, Teacher Education, EMI & Employ. Member of European Project KA203-051104 “EXPLORING EUROPEAN CULTURAL HERITAGE FOR FOSTERING ACADEMIC TEACHING AND SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN HE. EU_CUL” (2019-2021); National Project (I+D) HAR2016-75662-P (2016-2020); Research groups HUM-365 & PIE19-085 (Inclusive language in classrooms). Currently she coordinates Andalusian Art&Artists Encyclopedia. In 2016, she became a member of the Andalusian History Academy, so as in 2019 of Expert-Net in Cultural and Natural Heritage belonged to Andalusian Universities program PatrimoniUNI10.

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Laura Trivino Cabrera

Laura Triviño-Cabrera is a Professor of Social Sciences Education at University of Malaga (Spain).  She has a PhD in Education and Social Communication at University of Malaga (Spain), a PhD in Comparative Modernities at University of Minho (Portugal), and a PhD in History of Art at National Distance Education University (Spain).  Her research focuses on the educational potential of  popular culture and  museum culture to train future teachers in feminisms.  Member of National
Project (I+D) FEM2017-83302-C3-3-P (2018-2022).  Currently she coordinates an Educational Innovation Project untitled "Ethical and social Literacy, Artivism and Citizenship" (PIE 19-210, University of Malaga).


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Elisa Isabel Chaves Guerrero

Elisa Isabel Chaves Guerrero is an Assistant Professor at Department of Didactics of Mathematics, Didactics of Social Sciences and Experimental Science, Faculty of Education Sciences, at the University of Malaga (Spain). Her research focuses on Heritage Education and Museums, Gender Studies, Education for Citizenship and Teacher Training. From 2007 to 2016 she coordinated the educational activities of the Museo del Patrimonio Municipal de Málaga (Municipal Heritage Museum of Malaga), being Assistant Director of the museum for the last four years.


Eduardo Asenjo Rubio

Eduardo Asenjo Rubio (PhD) is a Professor at University of Malaga (Andalusia, Spain) of Art History and an Expert in Cultural Heritage. From 1999 to 2001 he has been trained in the documentation area of the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage. From 1999 to 2013 he has been technical advisor to the Provincial Delegation of the Council of Culture of the Junta de Andalucía, which has allowed him to deal with real items, problems and resolutions regarding Cultural Heritage expertise field. From 2003 to 2005 he worked as a researcher on the European Project titled ‘Patrimoines Partagés: savoir et savoir – faire apliqués au Patrimoine Architectural et Urbain des XIX-XX siècle en Mediterranèe. Euromed Heritage II’, leaded by researches: Romeo Carabelli and Mercedes Vollait of University Tours (France).

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